Chirag Nanavati
5 min readApr 7, 2024



Hey, we all know summer’s almost here! It’s time to pack our bags and head for the beach! We’re all thinking about those awesome beach days, chilling out with a cold beer, rocking in our favourite swimsuits and bikinis, and enjoying that warm summer sun. But wait a sec! Before you stash those sweaters and dive into the sun, have you considered how your skin might react to the switch in weather?

The cold winter weather and harsh winds have really dried out your skin, making it look lacklustre and dry. So, let’s think about this: is our skin ready for summer yet, before we slip into our bikinis and head to the beach? What about our body type?

So, instead of asking if your body is “summer ready,” let’s ask a different question: Are you ready to adopt a skin healthy lifestyle this summer? Because that’s the long-term recipe for feeling great all year round.

No need to stress! Even if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, there’s still plenty of time to get your skin and your body type in top shape for the warmer days ahead. Here are some easy skincare tips to help you transition smoothly from winter to summer:

Get into Exfoliation:

In winter, we tend to use thicker moisturizers to protect our skin from the dry air, which can lead to a buildup of dead skin cells. Adding gentle exfoliation to your daily routine a few times a week can help get rid of that layer, revealing a smoother, more glowing complexion. It’s like hitting the reset button for your skin!

Stay Hydrated:

As the summer heat approaches and the temperature rises, keeping yourself hydrated becomes super important. It’s not just about quenching your body’s thirst but also taking care of your skin.

Say goodbye to those heavy winter creams and switch to lighter lotions or gels that deeply moisturize your skin, especially your hands and face, without making it feel greasy.

Make moisturizing a regular part of your daily routine — morning and night. And why not give your face a little pick-me-up with a hydrating mist throughout the day? Your skin will definitely appreciate these small gestures as it goes through its natural aging process!

Sunscreens are a must for Summer skin health:

Sunburns can really put a damper on your summer fun, so make sunscreen your best friend during those sunny days. It’s the secret to keeping your skin from wrinkling and aging prematurely.

Pick a good sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and make sure to reapply it every couple of hours, especially when you’re out and about in the heat. It’s like a magical shield for your skin, preserving its radiance and keeping it healthy!

With just a little effort, you can turn your winter skin into a summer sensation. So, soak up the sunshine, rock your favourite bikini at the beach, and let that healthy summer glow steal the show!

Eat the right foods for a Radiant Summer Glow:


You’ve probably heard the saying “you are what you eat,” and it’s true not just for your body, but also for your skin! Load up your plate with fruits rich in skin-loving vitamins like A, C, and B-12, along with green veggies and whole grains packed with fibre and other nutrients that fight off cell damage, keeping your skin healthy and luminous.

Summer’s the perfect time to swap out those soda cans for fresh fruit slices or a glass of freshly squeezed juice — it’s quick and refreshing!

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Lighten Up Your Skincare Routine:

When the summer heat kicks in, heavy moisturizing creams can feel sticky and uncomfortable. Opt for lighter versions of cleansers and moisturizers that won’t clog your pores, leaving your skin feeling fresh and cool, ideal for those scorching days at the beach.

Prioritize Skincare for Summer Goals:

Dealing with acne, dark circles, dry patches, or uneven skin tone? No worries! There are special products designed for each concern. Look for supplements or creams containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid for added moisture, vitamin C for brightening, or retinols for fighting wrinkles and signs of aging.


Don’t Neglect Your Body:

Your face isn’t the only part that needs attention in the summer! Switch to a gentle body lotion or body wash instead of harsh soap, exfoliate dead skin cells with a gentle scrub, and keep your body hydrated while protecting exposed areas with lightweight lotions containing SPF 30 or higher.

Let Your Natural Beauty Shine:

Summer is all about feeling light and carefree, so skip the heavy makeup and let your natural beauty take center stage. If you do wear makeup, opt for natural mineral-based products and face packs that won’t clog your pores, allowing your skin to breathe.

Chill Out for Glowing Skin:

Beat stress this summer to maintain healthy skin. High stress levels can take a toll on your skin, so prioritize getting enough sleep, practice deep breathing or meditation to manage stress, and take time to relax in cool places like the beach or hill stations. When you feel good physically and mentally, it shows in the radiant glow of your skin!

Are you tired of seeing wrinkles in the mirror and want to look 20 years younger?

Stick to Your Skincare Routine:

Just like sticking to a healthy diet or exercise plan year-round, consistent skincare is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Make these tips part of your daily routine, and your skin will be glowing and ready for all your summer adventures!

So, show your body some love, and your skin will shine all summer long with these simple steps. It’s time to pack your bags, soak up the sunshine, and enjoy every moment of summer!

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Chirag Nanavati

A Certified Financial Planner by profession having a passion for reading and writing as a part of overall personal growth.