Chirag Nanavati
4 min readJan 10, 2022


Stressed Out Student Struggling

Stress is not a new phenomenon of modern life. Whether it is the stress caused due to the rush hour traffic or the stress of traveling or for that matter the stress at the workplace for meeting deadlines of the bosses and the clients.

The fatigue and exhaustion of the people at the top rung of life is not a new phenomenon, whether it is the CEO of a billion-dollar corporation or the leading running a country.

Winston Churchill was nearly 70 years old, when during World War II, he worked nearly 16 hours a day, year after year, commanding the British Army to victory and glory, in a stressful situation, without having let the stress and the fatigue overcome him.

His residence was converted into a war room, and he worked tirelessly with the freshness of a lark, until long past midnight. He did not cure his fatigue. He only prevented it.

It is said that the great Napoleon could sleep while traveling on horseback, during his war campaigns. Yet when he worked, no one could catch him yawning or showing signs of boredom.

Henry Ford, when asked about the secret of his freshness and fitness, well past his 80th birthday, aptly replied, “I never stand up when I can sit down, and I never sit down when I can lie down.”

In today’s stressful world, one of the world’s richest men, Warren Buffett, continues to work even at the age of 90! Our fatigue is caused not by the work that we do, but by unnecessary worry, frustration, resentment, and other negative emotions that we hold in our minds.

The Magnificient Machine Called The Heart.

The Human Heart Is A Magnificient Machine.

The human body has been blessed with an organ known as the heart. It has been worked out that the heart exerts enough energy 24 hours to carry 20 tons of load onto a platform over three feet in height!! It does this unbelievable amount of work throughout its entire life, without tiring.

The cardiac muscles never tire out. Beating at a moderate rate of 72 beats per minute, the heart is working for only 9 hours out of 24 hours. It is in a state of rest for the remaining 15 hours!! Yet, it can power all the functions of the body effortlessly.

Nature has designed the heart in such a way that after each stroke (systyle), it has a long pause (diastole). That is the reason why keeping the blood pressure under control is a very important aspect of lifestyle.

Read Here: How I Survived A Heart Attack & Lived To Tell About It.

The Concept Of Rest In The Human Body.

Rest Is The State Of Repair For The Body. Man Relaxing.

Rest is not only a matter of doing nothing at all. Rest is basically a state of repair for the organs of the body. So, give your body the time to repair and rejuvenate in between two work sessions.

In villages and rural areas, have you ever watched a group of donkeys rolling around in the mud in an empty field? That is their way to fight fatigue and exhaustion after a hard day of work. That is the reason that they are called “beasts of burden” and bear the capacity to carry large loads.

Or for that matter, have you seen your pet dog or cat rolling over on its paws? That is how they relax. It sounds funny but it is worth trying to emulate a donkey.

Just lie down flat on the floor or a hard mattress on a double bed. Drop your limbs as limp and lifeless as the ends of a wet newspaper. Now roll over 15–20 times on both sides. Then stretch your limbs in opposite directions, as if someone is pulling you in opposite directions, and stretch as tall as you can. This energizes the spine.

Try Stretching This Way To Make The Spine More Supple.

Continue to take long effortless breathing. Now close your eyes and focus on your breathing while sitting straight either in “Padmasana” or the Lotus Pose. If your knees are strong and enough you can even use the “Vajrasana” or the Thunderbolt Pose for better results. You will feel fresh and rejuvenated for the next 2–3 hours.

Regular Practice Of Vajrasana Has Multiple Health Benefits.

These small hacks can easily be incorporated as a part of the regular schedule since most of us are working from home in these testing times. So why not make the most of the situation?

Going back to becoming a child, with the children and cracking jokes with them, and telling stories, instead of spending time with the idiot box, not only strengthens the bonding with the children but at the same time relaxes you. It is said that wit and humor and the habit of laughing at yourself are the best stress natural relievers.

All the best to beat the blues out of stress once and for all.

Originally published at on January 10, 2022.



Chirag Nanavati

A Certified Financial Planner by profession having a passion for reading and writing as a part of overall personal growth.