Chirag Nanavati
5 min readMar 29, 2021


Being a chronic diabetic has its own impact on the daily grind, particularly where the daily diet is concerned. Since it is a disease that is related to lifestyle, one needs to take care of the weight and the effects of the same on other body organs.

This is where a special diet assumes a position of great importance.
One needs to have a healthy diet/eating plan that keeps the weight and belly fat under control. Therefore you need to have a very specific plan as to weight management, and that too without risk.

As each body type is different, to use the term perfect weight as a general term would be totally wrong. There’s no such thing as perfect weight and one needs to understand his or body structure before taking a decision. However, one can apply common sense and follow some common tips that can be applicable to everyone.

Diabetic lifestyle management made easy.


Staying in a family, with other members of the family has it own impact on the lifestyle. As kids, most of us have had the experience of visits to vegetable markets and meat shops where our mothers and fathers used to source them.

Going for fresh produce, and preferably organic products (though they are a little expensive) makes a lot of difference to the diet plan and the effects that it has. When the produce is fresh, the level of nutrients that it has, which is required for the body, is the highest. Once it reaches the supermarket shelves, it starts losing the nutrients. If possible, sourcing directly from the weekly farmer’s market would be the best option.


This is another important thing to remember, that eating fruit and vegetables in their season means that they will taste better as well as doing you good. Most of the cookbooks, recipes, diet books contain recipes that related to seasons.

Every geographical region in the world has its own seasons and culture, as far as diet is concerned. Staying in that particular region, the body has to adapt to the particular season in that area.

Following a hack of training our systems to adapt to seasonal food goes a long way in cultivating a better lifestyle, thereby reducing the effect of Disease on the body and increasing the effectiveness of the diet. The local geography of the area that one stays or resides in, has a lot of influence on the dietary style and eating habits.

As a matter of hobby, I fused all the good things from the diets (but not from every diet) and sort of put together my own one and created seasonal specials, that I can enjoy in the season, without any risk to my health. After all, food is meant to be enjoyed!!


Watch out For What You Eat.

One of the biggest pitfalls in maintaining a diet is the eating habits that we generally develop at a point of time and never know when they have taken over our health. One never realizes until too late that the Coke and Popcorn at a occasional movie date along with friends would turn into an addiction for the entire family in the later years while lazing around on the couch in front of the idiot box.

When I first started at my first job immediately after graduation, I had little or no routine since mine was a field job which took up a lot of travel time. This meant no fixed hours for eating lunch. Dropping in to the nearest joint for a cup of coffee and and gorging on street fast food, was the only option and a regular occurrence at that.

It was eons later when I got married that I realized the importance of being a disciplined eater. Bringing discipline to the diet, is one of the hardest things to do for most people, but establishing a great routine is essential to great diabetes care.

The types of snacks one needs to be eating are unsalted nuts, dried unsweetened fruit, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, dark chocolate (richer and nicer and you only want to gorge on 2 squares usually).

Cut back on white flour and embrace wholemeal carbs.

This is the most essential part of the diet, and the thing that can show the biggest increase in loss of weight. White Flour consists of nothing but empty calories. Some diets in fact just focus on this point, and are very successful. Wholemeal (especially stoneground wholemeal) is so good for you and has so much more flavour in it that switching is much easier than you think.

Again remember that the bread that is best for you is the one that is freshest with least preservatives or added ingredients. Also, Brown or Rasmati Rice is a great option for Rice as a part of the diet. Wholemeal pasta is another great option to add to your palette.

Stop drinking cocktails, start drinking wine.

Cocktails are fun, but are also full of sugar, colourants and preservatives. Dropping out even a single cocktail out of the diet goes a long way in to diet management.

If you are out at a restaurant, red wine is much better than anything else you can order, (except water of course!) and it has been proven that the anti-oxidants in red wine are great for keeping a healthy heart. The recommended amount is one glass a day with your evening meal.

Start cooking more fruit and vegetables.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are a great way to get all the vitamins and minerals you need. And there are so many different ways in which to cook vegetables, but raw is the best followed closely by steamed. Both of these ways preserve all their natural goodness as well.

Drink more water.

I know you have heard people say this many times before, but the benefits of drinking more water are endless. It is just that we need to follow the advice. We take things for granted and that is the reason we have never been able to train the brain to automatically follow a few good things in life.

A few tips on how to get more water into your day are firstly to put bottles of water along with a glass at all the places you go in the house or work. So keep one on your desk, In the kitchen, the bedroom, the sitting room, etc. Try and drink all these glasses up and you will be well on your way to 8 glasses a day.

The trick is to start with one glass and add a glass every few days or so. If you try to drink all that water in one go you would find it too daunting and give up. It’s amazing how great you will feel if you try the simple hack for a week.

Manage your Diabetic Lifestyle Easily HERE.


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Chirag Nanavati

A Certified Financial Planner by profession having a passion for reading and writing as a part of overall personal growth.