Chirag Nanavati
5 min readApr 25, 2024


The article is adapted in response to a query from a follower on Quora.

The human body follows thousands of processes daily through its complex systems. One of the most important and complex systems in our body is the digestive system which handle processes that are related to our stomach.

Most people frequently deal with digestive disorders in their daily lives as the digestive system is not in order. These problems might be anything from little discomfort to more serious illnesses that affect general health. People can effectively treat and prevent common digestive ailments by being aware of them and choosing appropriate diets.


Acid reflux: This common condition in the body results in heartburn and causes discomfort usually in the stomach and the throat when the excessive acid levels in the stomach acid comes backs up into the Esophagus. This usually happens when there is a excessive consumption of foods containing high levels of acid that is heavy on the digestive system to digest properly or the body is a state of rest immediately after eating.

Bloating: This condition in the body is characterized by a sense of fullness, tightness, or swelling in the belly and is known as bloating in technical terms. This is usually accompanied by the formation of gas in the body.

The most common symptoms of excessive levels of pain, discomfort, and occasionally noticeable abdominal distension. Bloating can also result from an imbalance in the levels of bacteria in the gut or from an accumulation of extra gas in the digestive tract. Certain types of foods, particularly those containing acids and carbonated drinks, among others.

Constipation: This condition occurs due to the excretion system’s inability to consistently pass waste in the body, which causes pain and straining when having bowel movements.

The symptoms of constipation in the body include hard, dry stools, difficulty passing the stool, and infrequent bowel motions, with blood in the stools in extreme cases. Other symptoms including bloating, discomfort in the abdomen, and a sense of incomplete evacuation may accompany it.

Diarrhoea: When the digestive system in the body is not functioning optimally, leads to a condition called Diarrhoea that is commonly characterized by frequent, loose, and watery bowel movements. This leads to a decrease in the consistency of the stools in the body. Loose stools that can be brought on by a few conditions, including food allergies or illnesses.

For treating the underlying cause of diarrhoea, maintaining hydration to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes, and avoiding foods or drugs that can exacerbate symptoms are usually the best ways to manage it.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): The most common widespread gastrointestinal condition known as irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is usually defined by a cluster of symptoms that coexist in the body, such as bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, or an alternating pattern of the two.

Although the precise causes as to why Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is unknown, the digestive system in the body is so complex that are many variables may be involved with its development of the condition in the body.


Eating a fibre rich diet: A fibre rich diet encourages regular bowel movements and ward off the symptoms of constipation. Including an abundance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your diet helps manage the levels of digestive disorders in the body.

Maintaining hydration levels in the body: Water is an elixir that helps manage the body’s systems including a healthy digestive tract to avoid problems in the body like constipation. Therefore, drinking more water levels throughout the day helps alleviate the symptoms of digestive disorders.

Including probiotic foods as part of the diet chart: Digestive disorders also affect the levels of probiotic bacteria in the body and therefore including foods that are high in probiotics, such as kefir, yogurt, fermented vegetables, help support a balanced level of gut bacteria in the body and ease and alleviate the symptoms of digestive problems in the body.

Following a FODMAP Diet Plan: Following the FODMAP diet limits the consumption of specific types of carbohydrates. For those with a weak and vulnerable digestive system, these carbohydrates can ferment in the colon after being poorly absorbed in the small intestine, which can cause symptoms including gas, bloating, stomach pain, and changed bowel habits.

By eliminating specific carbs that may cause gastrointestinal distress, people with IBS may find that their symptoms are lessened by adhering to a low-FODMAP diet.

Limit trigger foods in the diet: Every human body is different in nature as regards its nutritional requirements and its systems management. Therefore, one needs to understand his/her body and observe the effects of the different types of foods on the body.

In the case of any comorbid condition in the body, one needs to recognize the type of foods that cause the specific condition in the body and restrict the consumption of such foods in the body, such as alcohol, caffeine, spicy or fried foods, that frequently cause stomach problems.

Eat smaller, frequent meals: We have been taught that there are basically three meals, namely, breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, with the fast paced lifestyles, it is often not able to keep up with the meal timings.

Consistent Meal Schedules & The Ultimate Connection Between Health Goals.

Not following proper meal timings causes an overload on the digestive sytem leading to minor digestive orders. To avoid overloading the digestive system and lower the risk of acid reflux and bloating, choose smaller, more frequent meals rather than larger ones.

Chew Food Thoroughly: Chewing foods in a proper manner and being mindful of the food that you are eating using the acids that are present in the mouth and swallowing it properly also helps with proper digestion and lessen the chances of discomfort like gas and bloating.

Always pay attention to how different foods make you feel, listen to your body, and seek medical advice if you have severe or ongoing digestive issues.

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Chirag Nanavati

A Certified Financial Planner by profession having a passion for reading and writing as a part of overall personal growth.