Chirag Nanavati
3 min readNov 25, 2020


Drinking 2 Glasses of Luke Warm Water on an empty stomach first thing in the Morning.

Nearly 70% of the Human Body is made up of Water and when we sleep at night, we get dehydrated. This particular tip has personally worked for me and so it would for others!! Adding a dash of honey and lemon increases its effectiveness. Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24–30% over a period of 1–1.5 hours, helping you burn off a few more calories.

Remember To add Proteins For Breakfast.

A protein based breakfast helps you eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours as well as lose more weight and body fat. If you are a vegan any source of quality plant protein for breakfast should do the trick.

Drinking Black Coffee.

Quality Coffee is loaded with antioxidants which have numerous health benefits. The caffeine in coffee boosts metabolic activity and increase fat burning. Just plain Coffee and no sugar or other high-calorie ingredients please!!

Green Tea.

For the Tea addicts, Green Tea also has many benefits, one of them being weight loss. Green Tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants called Catechins, which work synergistically with caffeine to enhance fat burning.

Intermittent Fasting.

Intermittent Fasting clears the body of any toxins and is as effective for weight loss as continuous calorie restriction. Many religious practices follow this practice. Additionally, fasting may reduce the loss of muscle mass typically associated with low-calorie diets. In my younger days, fasting once a week, did really help me lose weight.

Cutting Back on Added Sugar from Diets.

Added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet. Consumption of added sugar and its substitute high-fructose corn syrup is strongly associated with an increased risk of obesity, as well as other diseases including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. If you want to really lose weight, cut back on added sugar. Just make sure to read the labels right, because even so-called health foods can be loaded with sugar.

Drop the White Bread and Pasta!!

Biting on your favorite sandwich for Lunch?? Think again!! Refined Carbohydrates include grains that have been stripped of their fibrous, nutritious parts. These include white bread and pasta. Refined carbs can spike blood sugar rapidly, leading to hunger, cravings and increased food intake a few hours later. Eating refined carbs is strongly linked to obesity.

Regular Exercise.

Regular exercise helps in weight control. Personally I have been following a regular exercise regime of brisk walking in the mornings and Swimming in the summers which works wonders on my weight. Walking is the simplest and the most cost effective method of exercise.

Go Green with Vegetables and Fruits.

Vegetables and fruits have several properties that make them effective for weight loss. They contain few calories but a lot of fiber. Their high water content gives them low energy density, making them very filling. Go on a exclusive fruit diet once a week and see the difference!! Studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits tend to weigh less.

Inspiring Healthier Lives, One Step at a Time



Chirag Nanavati

A Certified Financial Planner by profession having a passion for reading and writing as a part of overall personal growth.