Chirag Nanavati
5 min readApr 22, 2021


Do you think that creativity is a trademark that belongs to the Genius? If you really think so, then you are in the category of 95% of the people who think that they are too “ordinary” to be creative geniuses. It is not that the genius is a special kind of man or woman.

Every ordinary human being is a kind of “genius” in his own right.
The biggest difference between animals and human beings is that man has the power to think. Every man has that power. It is just that it is hidden within that one needs to find.

Every person can be a “genius” and a “creative person”, who can make a difference not only in his own life, but also in the lives of others surrounding him.

Do you think that creativity is a trademark that belongs to the Genius? If you really think so, then you are in the category of 95% of the people who think that they are too “ordinary” to be creative geniuses. It is not that the genius is a special kind of man or woman.

Every ordinary human being is a kind of “genius” in his own right.
The biggest difference between animals and human beings is that man has the power to think. Every man has that power. It is just that it is hidden within that one needs to find.

Every person can be a “genius” and a “creative person”, who can make a difference not only in his own life, but also in the lives of others surrounding him.


An ordinary man who works for himself and his family. He strives to make himself the best to survive in this competitive world.

He does not look upon his situation and the circumstances around him as a handicap. He over comes the obstacles and becomes extraordinary. He could be an ordinary boy, living next door, who comes from a poor background, prepares for a competitive examination against all odds and tops the exams..

He understands People power and accepts that his good is linked with the welfare of the society that he is a part of. He has social values that he follows, which make him a leader in his field.

He is an inventor. If he is fascinated with words, he writes. He may paint a Picasso or a Monalisa. He may throw up new ideas which change or improve his life and the lives of others around him.

Since man has the power of thought this is one attitude that can be created and nurtured. Even if the spark of genius is missing the necessary conditions can be created for the same. Even though one may not end up being a Mukesh Ambani or a Bill Gates or Sachin Tendulkar, but even a few people like you would make the world a better place to live in by creating a difference and inspiring the lives of others around.

Creativity remains stifled because there is no purpose in life which is strong enough to produce an environment which is conducive to being creative. It is not that the talent is not there, or that you have not been blessed with special powers.

It is just that one has never used his or her power of thought to nurture his creative genius.

Small Resources That Make A Big Difference in Life

Gaining a basic understanding about the following points would go a long way in unleashing the creative genius within and unfolding your hidden potential:

Stop Hoping and waiting that some day you will get the Inspiration:

Success comprises of 1% Inspiration and 99% Perspiration. Inspiration is nothing but a climax to the prolonged and diligent hard work. All the great works of art and scientific discoveries are the result of hard work.

Creativity requires hard work and purposeful effort which shows results. When we see a Virat Kohli hitting a huge six, or a Maradona scoring a goal in a World Cup Final, to win the match, we are excited about it. But we never give a thought to the purposeful hard work and the practice that has gone into playing the shot.

Making the best use of time:

Pursuing Trivial Activities and Gossip drain out all the positive energy that is there within for the genius and all the efforts that one puts in become a drudgery and a pain. Make sure that the atmosphere around when doing any activity.

Avoid being the person who lost his chances of being promoted, as he is held up with colleagues in the office, gossiping about the latest affairs of the film stars instead of completing an important assignment that his boss had assigned.

Realizing the importance of Time and managing it, is of utmost importance in bringing out the hidden potential and being a genius.

Spending time with idlers rather than successful and creative people would bring all efforts to a naught. Spending time with creative and successful people with a disciplined approach towards life, not only stimulates the creative genius within you, but it makes you a role model for others to be inspired.

Pushing Yourself Daily by moving out of the Comfort Zone:

The creative genius is no phantom as he is made out to be by the others. It just a myth that is created around him due to certain characteristics which he displays whereas others don’t.

The creative genius is no phantom as he is made out to be by the others. It just a myth that is created around him due to certain characteristics which he displays whereas others don’t.Instead of jumping over obstacles overcome them. Jumping is easy but overcoming is difficult as it requires a lot of hard work and creativity. Your Comfort Zone is meant to keep you in mediocrity and comfort. Staying in the Comfort Zone never leads to Success.

Rather it breeds incompetency and negative emotions like jealousy, hate, etc. Learning to grow everyday shapes a person’s ability to become creative and uncover his hidden potential. The potential is within the individual and is waiting to come out provided the environment is conducive.

Expand your world rather than seeing the world from the eyes of the frog in the well. Feed yourself new information even though it may not be relevant to your work. Develop new hobbies as hobbies also can inspire the creativity and the hidden potential inside you.

Practice Meditation and Creative Visualization to give your creative thought process a free play. The basic idea about these techniques is that they enhance the powers of the mind and the thought process that is the basis of all inventions and ideas.

Taking action on those thoughts produces the desired results. After all, Success is nothing but a mind game. It is said that life is a University by itself and a storehouse of knowledge. The more that we are able to accumulate and share with others, the more we make the world a better place to live in.

Even though the world may not remember us as a genius, yet there will be one person who will always carry us in heart for the difference that we made in his life….

Small Resources That Make A Big Difference in Life

Originally published at https://myhealthmykarma.xyz on April 22, 2021.



Chirag Nanavati

A Certified Financial Planner by profession having a passion for reading and writing as a part of overall personal growth. https://myhealthykarma.co.in/bio/